Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An Annual Review

Every year at this time, I spend some time reflecting on where I have come from and where I am going. IN 2007, I will strive toward the following...

MISSION: Improve my Self, my Work and my World - Focus, Seek and Learn.

I Need to Remember:
If I cannot do anything about it - Don't worry;
If I can do something about it - Don't worry!
VOCATION: Invite deep reflection; Listen; Ask questions; Offer positive change strategies; Incite insight.

CAREER GOAL: To be well-respected and active in the national and international arenas of adult education and organisational development for social justice, cooperative action and community building.

ELABORATION: Continuously improve my work and life habits and increase my effectiveness
-by being conscious, intentional and deliberate,
-by operating from a set of principles and virtues,
-by improving my physical and mental health, and
-by connecting with people and
-by advancing each of our individual and collective purposes;

Respect and love the humanity within myself and within each person met and demonstrate that love and respect
-by listening with an open mind and heart, and
-by keeping silent counsel whenever it is called for.
Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? Does it improve the Silence?
Monitor and minimize my impact on the earth's delicate envelop of soil, air, and water;
Embrace diversity and create peaceful solutions in synergistic win-win-win relationships whenever possible;

Learn and develop depth and breadth of understanding on community and global issues, which helps contribute to peaceful change through thoughtful, collective actions.

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