Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Solstice Night

The solstice arrived - green grass here, warmish winds blowing, snowless, with frosted windows on cars in the morning but clear skies by noon and just a slight promise of freezing rain on the second day of official winter.
VISA announced that Friday, December 22, would be the largest shopping day ever with an expected two billion dollars worth of business expected. One clerk, when told this, responded with wonder... "I don't know how the Saviour got associated with all this plunder and loot." Oh those three wise men, what did they start?
That old joke about if the wise men had been women, they may have brought diapers and cassaroles and maternity clothes. baby clothes, you know - the practical gifts a mother and child need in a desert country. Not gold, frankincense and myrrh. What do you do with myrrh anyway?
I've been a personal shopper this week - spending money on someone's behalf; having fun dodging crowds and spending time shopping for gifts for other people. There is a certain detachment in shopping for others, it takes all the swirl and mess out of it and makes decisions easier somehow. Perhaps we should all take up this pursuit and instead of shopping for gifts to give away ourselves, we should do others' shopping for them; that could be our gift to that person - to spare them the angst of shopping - if it is an angst for them. They just hand you their list and you take care of it for them. I wouldn't wonder if you had more fun doing their shopping than your own.
Light the Yule Log. Welcome back the Sun.

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