Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring signs

At work, it seems I am the first to see and, for me more importantly, to hear a robin song this week, the first week of official spring. And the weather has even complied, being warmer, softer, rainy, gray skies, dirty snow beside the roads disappearing rapidly. With my car washed of road salt scars, I squirt through the leftover melt or get the backsplash from others as we drive along, windows open for the fresh air and soil fresh smell of spring in the air. Ahhh.
The maple sap is running and the syrup is sweet and hot. I long for the red-winged blackbirds, crocuses and those tinges of green on beech and poplar tips. The red of the sumac branch tips is coming.
Too soon it will be humid summer. For now, I search for the spring signs and love the game of it.
Nature's promise - peace in the valley - green on the hills. Spring again.

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