Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Evangelical Apocalypse?

Could it be true? Do you think that the US Evangelical Christians supporting Bush Jr. could be promoting the end of the world by encouraging a bigger bang, a bigger war, another world war?? Do you think they are asking for the ultimate evangelical dream experience - the Apocalyse, the second coming, death to all non-believers? If so, YIKES.

Some may call me paranoid, a conspiracy theorist or a quack. Likely I am. I do swing that way from time to time at this time of night. But think with me for a minute.
There are lots of Evangelical Christians who do not support the science of global warming and climate change. They believe its a media-Taliban-Jewish- or else someone's conspiracy. "Someone" IS cranking up the atmospheric temperature, melting the polar ice caps, etc. But Christians like themselves have NOTHING to do with it. More SUVs, more A/C, more miscellaneous plastic thingys. More war on the way to mass destruction - Let's get there now.
Neither do Evangelical Christians support the science of evolution. It's intelligent design or biblical 6 days and that's it. Evolution and the idea that life on earth took 14 billion years to develop here is impossible to conceive in their system of thinking. To believe or even concede such a possibility would be corruption to the divine spirit and plan for humans on earth and in heaven.
From this, E-Christians - if I may be so bold as to provide this abbreviated form for their designation, do not support choice for men nor women in family planning. They are not in favour of equal opportunities for men and women in society. They do not recognize the growth of human spirit and the differences between people that can exist and ought to exist if the global community will live in peace. It seems preferable to Evangelical Christians that the path be narrow, that few find and follow it and that they will be the ones to achieve the gateway to Heaven.

How very sad, how very sad indeed, when so much work day to day is needed to lift people up and make life better, to teach and feed and enable, to just listen and learn and love.

Instead of destroying and punishing, terrorizing and isolating, perhaps it's time for the evangelicals among us to look for the light, to find a wider pathway and lay down the armaments and open our arms and hearts for love, here on earth - as it is in heaven.

That would be an apocalyse of tremendous proportion - to do as the song so ably described -

Last night I had the strangest dream
I'd ever dreamed before
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war

I dreamed I saw a mighty room
Filled with women and men
And the paper they were signing said
They'd never fight again

And when the paper was all signed
And a million copies made
They all joined hands and bowed their heads
And grateful pray'rs were prayed

And the people in the streets below
Were dancing 'round and 'round
While swords and guns and uniforms
Were scattered on the ground

Last night I had the strangest dream
I'd never dreamed before
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war.

words and music by Ed McCurdy, courtesy of
photo credit : daily dose of imagery web site //

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