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Sunday, February 24, 2008

IS Obama the Black GW Bush?

Do you think Barack Obama could be the black GW Bush for election 2008? He’s all talk, great speeches but no real previous political activities, no proof of actual significant achievements. He sure can talk - Bush in 2000 was talk and charm. Bush’s speechwriters did a great job, a snow job. Now we've got nothing but gaffs, laughter, blunders and Bush-isms.

I remember the reason everyone loved GW in 2000 - his CHARMS. Even Oprah was bedazzled BY BUSH - do YOU remember that? She informally endorsed Bush over Gore and Kerry! She even blushed when interviewing Bush. She liked him. Now she's pushing Barach Obama in America like he's the Next BEST thing.

And Hilliary – “abused” because she took/has her husband's last name - a decision she was oh-so hesitant to take early in his political career. She stood by Bill who "allegedly" philandered (s?) with other women, because family is most important, in spite of a torrent of thunderation from Republicans - who are NOT EXACTLY PURE in this regard and should not therefore throw stones. As a lawyer, in her early career, she focused on the rights of children, developing policies and legislation improving education. Later, she was called on, as First Lady to be part of the task force to provide a plan for Health Care Reform in the US.

Hilliary cannot get past Barack's charm crusade on the hustings. Why? She is talking about HOW to get things done. She is NOT about Charm. Charm is for snakes. Charm is what men do to women to get them to bed or to steal from them. Women want the truth. Hilliary is a lawyer, she won’t finagle with BS. Democrats want to fall in love with their candidates? Well they will have to figure out another way to pick a better candidate this time.

Hilliary is all about talking HOW she is going to do things and BO (imagine the initials after he is elected!) can talk his way anywhere he damn pleases. But I think because he is black - no one can say it out loud – he can get anything and anywhere he wants at the moment and that is just not enough of a reason to select him as the democratic candidate or president. Here stands the most delicate American issue - race. So, it’s another case of “Who's your Daddy?”, not exactly like GW, with his easy money, slide through school, but with a twist.

Another Bush - BLACK Bush this time. OMG! A Democrat-leftie who talks and does nothing/has done nothing is as bad as a Republican-rightie who talks and has done/does nothing.

I say... GIVE THE POWER TO A WOMAN! Men have done enough - damage, talking, power-mongering, whatever! ELECT HILLIARY CLINTON. Americans should think with their whole brain in the voting booth. Remember 2000 and do NOT make the same mistake again.

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