Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Vagina Warriors

Eve Ensler gave a lecture at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in Monterey California several years ago, that broke through some barricades in thinking about gender, about language, about passion regarding what it takes to achieve a dream against the odds.

In that 20 minute talk, she spoke about how her research for the one woman play, Vagina Monologues, began and turned into a phenomena that brought together a single broadway event of famous actresses. Which spun out into events on college and university campuses as fund-raisers supporting women in crisis. And at each of these events, women would come to the stage and testify to the reality of the crisis by stating their own crisis, historical, personal or even immediate.

Ensler did not know how to hold all of this energy from all these women together, so she began to write, again, beneath, beyond, between the Vagina Monologues about the Vagina Warriors - a new species, not only women but all kinds of people who testified that they wanted to make sure that these crises never happened to women again. These Vagina Warriors were devoting their lives' purpose to this intent.

The stories she tells in this 20 minute video change the way you look at the world.

The lesson is -- Happiness exists in giving away what you want the most.

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