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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Murdered Americans in Beijing - What's up?

A Chinese man murdered two American at a popular tourist site on the first day of Olympic competition and then commits suicide leaping off the Western Bell Tower. No one seems to know why he did it. Nothing seemed to provoke him; he just seemed to go crazy. They were not even obviously marked as American tourists, no flags, no group markings. It happened as well that the women were related to the coach of the US Volleyball team. Additional tragedy for the competition and guaranteeing even more coverage by the media.

In my mind, I can completely understand his actions - for years before the big day -080808 - the government - the dictatorship has pushed people to move, do, think, change, comply, all in the name of this event. Millions of people have lost their homes, died, starved; in the past month alone people have had to stay home and not work, not drive, not cook with open fires - all to ensure no pollution for this event. HA - Because the image of the Chinese people is vital for these 2 weeks. And then SO WHAT? Is anyone really fooled by the Show? Because that is all it is, a show. Miners in China die in mines that are pitiably slave conditions. Beijing City's air will be thick with pollution once again, after the Games are over.

As for China's foreign policies: Tibet is country under seige - the people of Tibet are not free; Darfur and the Sudan is a Chinese development project for 12 million Chinese to settle in and large industrial investment to take place NOT for the benefit of Africa or Africans; Arming Mugabe with Chinese weaponry before the bogus elections was only foiled by the good sense of the dockworkers at Johannesburg.

If I were a Chinese man living in Beijing, anything I could have done to bring media attention to the sorrow and madness of ordinary people in my country, I might have done it. People have been saying on radio and in the newspapers "Oh, China is much better now than it has ever been" "China should be given the chance..." "China has made great strides..." yada yada yada. All might be so, and yet - IF you step out of line in the PRC, you will be pummelled into the ground. A human being is not free.
There is no honour in the PRC and no intention to honour the promises that were made when the Games were awarded to China - not for media access and not for many other things - it was a lie to get what the dictators wanted which was a chance to lie some more to the world about who they want to pretend to be.

And now- here is the stage, with the lights on and all the media arrayed with cameras and all the eyes on them. I dare them to try to keep their lies all in line and all the media happy, all the coaches happy, all the competitors happy.

That is why that man did what he did. To strike a blow against the whitewash and the lying. To show the red blood behind the curtains. My sympathies to the American coach and his family - my utmost sorrow to the Chinese people and my loathing to their military and dictators.

My prayers for revolution and freedom for all human beings in China soon.

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