Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Here is a wise woman talking about an important idea - HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW?

WAYS OF KNOWING - by Tanis Helliwell

Knowing defined in the dictionary is:
to be able to discriminate between true and untrue.

The Two Major Kinds of Knowing

Throughout history there have been two major ways of knowing. The first system involves collection and synthesis of data and relies on past experience of either self or others to solve problems. This process is linear and cumulative. If someone wishes to access this type of knowing to solve a problem they go to the library of stored data and look up every piece of information on that topic. I call this system of knowing rational and it is based on individual and collective ways of knowing that are accepted within the present traditions of our western society.

The second system of knowing has no past. It leaps out of the void of not knowing and manifests. It is a spontaneous, intuitive flash that enters the consciousness of the knower fully formed. It may or may not contradict the traditional way of knowing but it usually expands on, or puts it in a larger context. This knowing transcends space and time and may not have an immediate relevance to the present. This type of knowing is unpredictable. Often it occurs when we have been attempting to solve a difficult problem without success. We go for a walk, take a bath, or enter sleep and " Eureka " the answer enters our consciousness. This system of knowing is intuitive.

Two Ways of Knowing


scientific ............ experiential

logical ............ intuitive

linear ............ multidimensional

matter ............ spirit

concrete reality ............ other realities

left brain ............ mind

conscious ............ sub and super-conscious

bounded ............ expansive

short term ............ long term and/or timeless

doing ............ being

past-present ............ future-present

To Improve Rational Thinking

Both ways of knowing are important if we are to be effective. Rational thinking is necessary in order to anchor our intuitive hunches in the real world. Without this we might have good ideas that we never manifest leading to frustration and non-accomplishment. If we are predisposed towards intuition there are techniques we can practice to anchor ourselves in third dimensional reality.

1. Don't be a spiritual snob. Because intuition has little or no respectable image within traditional society people, who have these gifts, often create a counter image of spiritual superiority. This must be eliminated. It perpetuates elitism.

2. Skip evangelism. We will convince people who are grounded in rational ways of knowing of the value of our way of thinking by practicing not preaching.

3. Decline to use jargon and hook words that will alienate rational listeners. ie. spirit guide, ascended masters.

4. Rational thinking improves when you create boundaries around a concept by thinking in terms of option A and option B or of numbering benefits of a plan by saying, 1… 2… and 3…..

5. Ground intuitive ideas by thinking of the exact steps you must take to realize your ideas and then decide to act on these ideas.

6. Associate with people who excel in rational ways of knowing and learn from them. A great mystic, Jesus the Christ, who was skilled in using both rational and intuitive ways of knowing once said. "Be in the world, but not of it."


To Improve Intuitional Thinking

Some people are naturally intuitive however this ability can also be developed. If we want to become good at tennis we need to practice and, as with tennis, practicing intuition increases our ability. Maybe we won't become a tennis pro but we can become competent at it. Here are some tips.

1. To develop intuition requires that we value it. Without this little improvement is made.

2. Practice intuition by listening to your gut hunch, to the small inner voice in your mind, and by visual images that flash into your awareness.

3. Do things differently and continually. Intuition works best when we are flexible and not attached to results.

4. Be prepared to give up all beliefs. The more do’s and don’ts we live by, the more we censure out anything that does not agree with our beliefs.

5. Develop friendships and work associations with people who are intuitive. Watch them. Try to think like them. Intuition is catchy and ours increases if we are in intuitive environments.

6. Do nothing. Intuition comes from the void. If we create peace and open time in our life it will enter.

Tanis Helliwell, the founder of the International Institute for Transformation, is the author of a new book of poems Embraced by Love. To order books visit her website at

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