Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dream Lover, Dream Woman?

A script from a friend - that begs to be a song... if ever I can write a ditty...

Dream Lesbian Lover

Is there when I get home from work but allows me silence
to unravel, or better yet - isn't there
but has left me a note and a little surprise.
She rubs my feet for hours.
She wants to love me till I can't stand no more
And she rolls over to me so sweet.

Dream Lover cooks me hot meals & washes up after.
Never arrives without flowers & only brings my favorites.

Dream lover has long fingers, a patient playful tongue
And thrives on 5 hours sleep a night
She could play the harmonica, weave pine needle baskets
Bead me a wedding sash, write me lust poems
And love poems.

Dream lover has eyes deep as sky
feels herself in others
feels our connecting bones.
Rises early in the morning
to make the best rich coffee

She could bring you to your knees with a look

And does.

Dreamy woman has a bed of lace & roses & home
She could build a fire in the rain
Could always fix my car for free
Could call the dentist to make my appointment
Iron my shirt when I'm in a hurry
Knows how to make chocolate mousse, chocolate silk pie
Black bottom cupcakes, molasses cookies
Sour cream coffee cake, lemon pound cake
And fresh mango ice cream.

O such a creamy dreamy one

She's showing up tonight with a butch pout
And a feminine slink
A tough stance & a long knowing

Dream lover

She won't have any other girlfriends
but won't mind

If I do.


For all those "racy" girls out there... from that woman on who writes for native women and girls... and all women. Well done C.

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