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Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Monday, February 19, 2007

On Continuing to Breathe

"We establish rules to prevent us from seeing beyond what exists around us, it is similar to entering a darkened room with a flashlight and only believing that what is illuminated by the beam of light is all that exists in the room. Simply flicking on the overhead light will reveal that much more exists beyond that narrow beam of the flashlight. Pulling open the drapes that cover and darken the windows will let even more light in. This process allows us to see more and more and yet - all that we see was already there!" - Deepak Chopra

There is a parable I keep in my heart to light my path when it is darkest and I am low. I tell it to others if they come to me in distress and are looking for solutions that I do not have.

Here is the parable.

The Buddha was teaching a young lama when one day the lama asked what to do when he was afraid. "Breathe, just breathe," the Buddha replied. The lama's eyes revealed the skepticism he felt.

So, the Buddha took the lama's hand and led him to a small shack, opened the door and invited him inside. The lama entered and the door closed behind him. All was darkness. The lama could not even see his hand in front of his face. The lama could feel his heart beating faster in his chest. He began to feel his way around the shack, looking for the door, a way out, a window to open, any opportunity to let in some light, so the darkness would not press down on him, frighten him. The lama slowly, then more quickly stumbled around the shack, feeling along the walls, for any clue of door, window, crack without success. Panic was rising in his throat.

And then he remembered the Buddha's word - breathe. So, against the panic, he assumed his meditation position and began to breathe, deeply, slowly and his heart slowed and with his eyes cast down, he concentrated on breathing, just breathing.
Soon, he heard only his breath - deep and true.

Then, after much time had passed, he heard the Buddha's voice again - "Look."

And when the lama raised his eyes, the cabin was alight.

The Buddha stood before him and asked, "What have you learned?" and the lama replied "To breathe." The Buddha smiled. "More than that.
When you breathe in darkness,
you breathe out light,
keep breathing.

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