Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What is Conflict?

I hope this model goes some way to describing Conflict and thus, answering the question.
The Pinch you feel when you first get that twinge that something is amiss. Then later, the C-R-U-N-C-H... you get when hell breaks loose and you haven't fixed the twinge, or the twinge, pinch that seemed fixed did't get fixed all the way, or something else went terribly wrong.

What are the choices? What are the paths to follow? What can be done? What can be done in advance to prepare the path so a pinch does not happen, or so the pinch is not soooo bad, or the crunch is handled with care and loving, not resentment.


Because we do not know where we are, lost - we do not have a place - we do not know our way, a language to speak, a sense of how to go about navigating around the crap that is being thrown during the dark nights and eclipse.

IF we have a map and a flashlight, maybe conflict is just another way to deal with frailty and getting lost on a dark night and not sooo bad that two or more people cannot sort out where they are and get back to being friends, holding hands in the sunlight.

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