Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Presence and Authenticity - First Thoughts

Has anyone noted the recent Senge, Scharmer et al book Presence – an Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations and Society? It is a terrific book, not only because Peter Senge wrote a great deal of it; also because it delves into the whole great spectacle of what it means to be present and effect change.

In Senge’s book, he talks about “Seeing the Seeing”, looking at how we look at things and about the courage to look again, look inside, look backwards, look freshly, anew, around. We are urged to stop seeing the same models and same solutions for problems and to find new ways of doing things, old ways, simple ways, inside out ways, better paths, building new paths; whatever – break the models I know and begin anew. Plant new seeds. Maybe becoming present is becoming a Force of Nature. Again – a Senge idea. Dreaming> Intending > Crystallizing the Will> Focusing the Intention > And then Awakening.

And as I listen to the dialogue with the universe… I adjust and adapt, I sing and harmonize with the feedback I receive, I stay connected and I resonant with others who are present in that harmony with me. I think that being present is what being human, being a human being, is all about. The sleepwalkers in this world, cannot connect, cannot resonate, cannot sing and though they may be a force of war, of terror, of heartache, and pain, they are not human beings, they are human doings, sleeping through and not witnessing, not awake to the inhumanity of their actions.

Global minds with each heart beat of wakefulness, of resonance, are connected.

And with each beat can fall asleep again. I pulse in and out as my vigilance and practice permits, as souls soar or are sore. Not everyone stays in perfect harmony all the time – that is certain. I know when I am in tune. I feel I know when I falter, slip and sleep, doze, or forget. I think I know when I am hardest on myself. And is that sort of practice kind and loving, compassionate and harmonic, fresh and a force of nature or forced and unforgiving? Stumbling into happiness – I rise and fall. Like flowers bloom and die with sun and frost, too early.

I’ve worked inside government for over 28 years, federal or provincial, here in Canada. I’ve taken lots of workshops on all kinds of things. Thursday past, I took a half day workshop on Conversation Styles at Work.

I don’t seem able to communicate well with my supervisor - a long story. Not a pleasant situation for either of us really, but that’s the situation. So the workshop - I volunteered to go. Four conversation styles – Amiable, Analytical, Expressive & Driver. Each of which behaves differently in different situations, stress, management, decision making, project planning, etc.

I am a Driver – Expressive. My supervisor is an Analytical – Driver. So, as an example: What would it mean to become authentic with my supervisor? I would have to be more Analytical, to converse in a style I am not comfortable with, to get on better with her. Oh joy. And as a Driver, to a Driver - it's too fast, too hard, we drive at each other, and she is no longer talking with me, but AT me and my Expressive surfaces, and I am lost to emotions and accusations which I silence --- because she is my supervisor. Dilemma. I shall have to work on this more, indeed. Good to become more conscious of it all though. A fine workshop, theatrical throughout.

Having discovered my creative mission – which is a passionate quest unique to myself - I become ignited from within and vibrant externally. However how would this work in an organization where I have to please others? Does my passion have to overlap with the passion of the organization? Do I have to believe in the work of the organization? Well I do fervently believe my passion aligns with the work and passion of my organization.

But I was not consulted about the specific work I’ve been asked to do – hence there is no real juice in my motor about the day to day project I do. My passion is low, even though I wish it were higher. To be authentic – I declare this state of displeasure to my organization. And what happens? Authenticity is certainly NOT rewarded. In fact, smothered, suppressed, looked down on, no solutions found, no further consultations sought either I might add - the most inauthentic organizational response that could be created by an organization which espoused value for their employees was created. I was labeled a health hazard. Sent away for assessment. No conversation within, just "oh she must be ill."

What prevents us from being authentic? The day to day scourge of weak-kneed cowards who would rather hide than face the fire of truth and TALK about how to improve conditions for people. I think people in organizations have lost the ability to have a conversation. A real face to face TALK about things that matter, things that will sometimes get difficult to talk about. What happens if they are Difficult to talk about – Yikes. People are afraid guns will come out a-blazing. Really!!! “Going postal” – wasn’t/isn’t that an American thing? Guns in workplaces - schools come out because people STOPPED talking - listening And then dismissed people without compassion, without care, without seeing a need underneath the pain.

What prevents authenticity? Fear. Anger. Willful blindness. Negative emotions. Although I wonder sometimes that, when people are in their lowest places, or in their hottest hell, if they are not in some awful "authentic" place… if someone couldn’t reach them somehow with love and understanding still, just by listening, and asking questions, and listening.

I suppose I can always blame someone else for personal failure. There is that wall. If I run into a brick wall over and over again… is it the wall’s fault or the runner’s? The wall’s builder may be at fault, if they built it too high, in the wrong place, or are continuously expanding the wall so that the runner cannot get around, or under or the wall has no gate. Hmmm, so the designer is to blame. Still the runner could just stop and rest a while – stop running altogether. Even run in the other direction. Better - like Senge suggests, break the model. Get a rock and break the damn wall. Build a style [that’s a staircase over the wall for all you non-Brit types] and find a way over the wall. Gadzooks – I need a big hammer and I need one soon. This wall is getting in my way. Look out John-Henry… 16 Tons got nothing on me…

The wall by the way, is NOT the supervisor, it’s the whole mindset I have about my place in the organization I have worked in for most of my life. “If I had a hammer…” ooo I feel a song coming on… watch out…

Riddle me this… what is a global mind IF it is neither authentic nor present? Neither present nor authentic – so like a empty trunk the magician opened after the girl has disappeared – not really magic at all, smoke and mirrors really just smoke and mirrors. Hollow, fake trickery. An imposter – that is the kind of global mind it would be.

Do I believe there is a “universal role” for humans? YES

If so, what do I think it is?

To bear witness. To track progress. To tell stories. To welcome the NEXT.

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