Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Watching tykes in the Water - what are they up to?

What are parents up to while their kids are playing in the sand by the edge of the water?

  • Conversation with friends

  • Changing another diaper

  • Keeping an eye on another child out in deeper water

  • Checking out the swimsuit on the women wandering by, and the men with them

  • Picking up toys left behind by the kids back behind the umbrella

  • Shooing off that pesky seagull who is divebombing for the chips and popcorn left open on the blanket

  • Taking a photo, video of the new mom with the new baby in the new dress on her first day on the beach


I don't envy the job. I hope no one lost a child to drowning on the beach this weekend.

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