Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Consider the DISTRACTED Driver - Reckless or Wreck?

How many drivers does it take before an accident occurs on any one piece of road? I think a study should be done. Frankly, today's drivers pay less attention per second to what they are doing behind the wheel of their car with their car than ever before. The cell phone, the ipod selection, food or conversation gets more ear time, eye time, brain time than the road, or the car. And this is not news to anyone.

How can other drivers make people who drive pay attention? What could be done to remove the distractions? What ideas do you have?


WAVE A FLAG? HAND SIGNALS? besides the flagrant finger!
Suggestions please>

Here are two of mine - not directly related to removing distractions, just some driving improvements.

During this long holiday weekend - I noted that most people who drive don't even realize they have some standard equipment in their cars; signal lights and gas pedals that actually are adjustable! I mean they don't know when they remove their foot from the gas pedal the car slows down, even without the foot slamming on the brake in a 110km high speed lane. Signal lights actually warn cars behind that there is an intention to change lanes, a light flashes and cars can prepare for your lane manuever instead of gulping in fear as the front end of their car is narrowly missed by your right rear tailight as you cut in front and proceed at the same speed as before.

Imagine the revelation all over Canada it would be if only more people could learn those two simple tricks. Signal lights and gas pedals. I would likely save a bundle on nerve medicine, pharmacy stock may plummet, hospital emergency waiting rooms might empty.

Photo credit: Inside a Car
platinum_babie from
posted 9-11-06

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