Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Love yourself - A message to the world

Though love may seem out of reach
Words and music lost their meaning,
or cannot touch that place inside
that dark pit where dogs howl at night or noon
to give no rest,
or now feel numb

Just remember love is there,
love is there.
It beats firmly inside each sweet breast.
It is the heart, longing to set free dreams;
to free from cages, from the rages of the fires caught in the park; from the anger or the upset not faced; in the fears hidden
in basements in the dark.

Just remember freedom,
Breathing, in and out
For with each breath in and out

We breathe in the darkness - taking in the fear that surrounds us all

And we purify it within our souls,
in the pit of our stomachs,
in the darkness within us,
and then breathing out,

We release Light,
We release love,
We let go the stress
of our pain as a stream of white light.

So that as much as possible - in our lives, we create light,
love and joy from the darkness in the world.
We are light generators.
The darkness within us, the heart and breath within us
becomes vitality,
becomes essential for the world around us.
We are essential elements necessary in the world.
Hold on
Hang on
Beats and breaths
Every moment
Lights and action,

Feel the love surround you. Embrace yourself.

image from Blog: Painted Quilt - Arbol de Vida

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