Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What's on MY Bucket List?

With the new Morgan Freeman/Jack Nicholson movie coming out about two old codgers exploring the things they want to do before they "kick the bucket", I thought I would range about and consider what would be on that list for myself. The Web Site, is a helpful place to begin. It has all kinds of listers, 1001 best movies, worst movies, goal setters, etc and yes, even bucket lists. But I wanted to set my own list, not join with others or have my list reviewed by the group.

Hence, my personal blog's Bucket List.

•Snorkel in the Honduras
o Make a plan

•Visit Disney World
o Catch Disney World on the way back from the Honduras?

•Earn a better living NOT working for Parks Canada
o Consultant
o Artist
o Writer

•Learn how to sing Opera
o Take a chanting class with Barkley
o Take a private class with Barkley – Nessum Dorma

•Walk the Camino de Santiago
o France and Spain and Portugal

•Study for a Masters degree in Education or Communications online

•Create art for sale with the accumulated materials collected
o Take a class in collage work
o Figure out how to assemble the materials and display
o Develop thematic presentations
o Get a studio showing
o Just do it!

•Live in Greece – on Lesvos for at least two months once before 2010
o There is a yoga retreat in late spring, early summer

•Get involved with Yoga and the discipline of doing it every day

•Eat better
o More vegetables, breakfast, small meals, fewer bad snacks

•Lose weight
o More exercise

•Get re-attached to friends
o Get out into the community, get involved
o Phone and have coffee or a meal with people, reach out
o Write letters, postcards regularly

•Find new friends
o Join Lesbian Information Exchange Network

•Play more
o Go out to the theatre – GCTC, NAC
o Take a class in something! – Art!

•Get over, get through depression
o Muddle on, even if you cannot see in the dark, leap and the net will appear
o Get counselling support

•Have a hysterectomy
o Solve Endometriosis, Bleeding, Pain,

So, What's on YOUR Bucket List? Every day above ground is a good day. Use it or lose it.

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