Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

What IS going on? What is up with YOU?

To begin, let's look back...

MAY 1915

Let us remember Spring will come again
To the scorched, blackened woods, where the
wounded trees
Wait, with their old wise patience for the
heavenly rain,
Sure of the sky:
Sure of the sea to send its healing breeze
Sure of the sun. And even as to these
Surely the Spring, when God shall please
Will come again like a divine surprise
To those who sit today with their great Dead, hands in
their hands, eyes in their eyes,
At one with love, at one with Grief, blind to the scattered
things and changing skies.


A poem echoing the first year of a world war in Europe, men dying in mud and trenches, blood and bombs, for pride and what good end?

Here we are again, battling in all kinds of wars, Iraq, Sudan, Kenya, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Nepal has overthrown its king, Bhutan is electing a democratic leader for the first time. China hosts Olympic Games and expels millions from their homes, floods vast valleys to make electric power to drive the cities that feed the slaves that make the toys and clothes and games to entertain the West, while the West deteriorates under trillion dollar debt to Chinese banks.

How do we come to be, as human beings in a vicious circle? Will we ever learn? When will we stop and hold hands instead of arms? Love instead of shove? Understand instead of undermine? Stand up instead of put down and Be.

Each day is like your last day. Live love.

Who are you?
Who do you want to be?
What do you want to do with your life?

photo credit Microsoft clipart

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