Get Ready

Get Ready
Consider the Alternative!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Apology to Aboriginal People for Residential School Atrocities

The Federal Government finally apologised. As did the Leader of the Official Opposition, the Natural Governing Party, who said that for 70 years of the last century the Liberals were in power they allowed these conditions to go on and did not remedy the situation.

Is this a sincerely offered apology? Yes.
Will it make a difference to Aboriginal People? Perhaps.

Will it change conditions in Aboriginal Communities, where water is not fit to drink, where schools are not available for their children, where housing is unfit to live in? NO.

When will ACTION begin? When will the Federal Government reinstate the Kelowna Accord OR build a better stronger lasting ACTION plan on the ground with native communities and make the changes that need to happen urgently in collaboration with Assembly of First Nations, and other national and territorial leadership groups.

People need water, housing and education NOW.

Less Talk, More action. There is no more time for tears and recriminations. Do something.

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