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Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Economy - How could you miss it?

Sub Prime lending? I mean if it's too good to be true - why would you believe it?
Who in their right mind could possibly think for a moment a house is possible? And what lending institution is granted a licence to "print money" and give it away to people without a job, or collateral, or something to show they can make regular payments?

Now private debt has become public debt. Everyone gets to share this pain in the US and across the world because so many many banks bought into this ridiculous scheme - how stupid are bankers anyway? And WHY are they getting tax dollars to rescue their stupid decisions - when many of those houses are junk houses, built by junk house builders (betcha!) who were unloading as fast as they could on unsuspecting fools (get those homes inspected before you purchase them for resale and make sure you check the land beneath and around the house as well because its likely built on junk land as well).

Stupid things just multiply don't they?

Another crisis where domestic terrorists - the bankers, realtors,credit users themselves - sabotaged their own countries for personal greed.
Sad days.
Sad Daze.

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