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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

This Canadian Election - VOTE!

It costs $$300million dollars to hold an election. Canada's held three elections in the past 5 years (2004 - elected Paul Martin to minority Liberal Government with Harper in Opposition; 2006 - elected Harper to minority Conservative Government with Dion in Opposition; 2008 - here we go again) Do the math. Harper and Layton have been at the root of each one. Each for personal political gain.

This time around, Harper called this election because he accused the other parties of not being willing to work together with him in Parliament. Well sir, when Parliament is not in session, how do you know what will happen when everyone gets together? Your arrogance to break a law your party in this sitting created - calling an election at this time is costing Canada time and money it can ill afford and costing parliamentarians time away from Chambers where discussion and decisions should be taking place. And if your arguments are that there would have been NO decisions made, I challenge you to tell Canada how you managed to run the country with a successful minority for the past 32 months.

Instead let me suggest the reasons Steve Harper called an election at this point in the minority Conservative mandate:
-- The Julie Couillard - Maxime Bernier ( a cool burn ) report was due this fall in Parliament, unless an election was called;
-- The Mulroney - Heinz-Schreiber Affair was going to come up again in a report in Parliament this fall, unless an election was called;
-- Elections Canada was about to point fingers at dirty deeds done dirt cheap in the previous election by Conservative candidates who transferred funds in shady ways and were caught at it;
-- The economic disaster was looming in the US, and Steve wanted to get out in front of it with his re-election if he could;
-- Barack Obama, A left-leaning Democrat was headed for the White House, in November and such a swing would affect voting trends in Canada, again affecting Conservative voting.
--There are a host of other reasons - a veritable nest of vipers coming home to roost around the poxy place that was becoming PMO control central.

The trends were moving away from the Bush Conservative-Evangelical Right Wing Base which got Steve Harper started in the West, and toward a Green economy, where change is calling, where people with new ideas for the environment, for families, the economy and equity, for people all come together. And that is certainly NOT the Conservative Party.

It's time to move towards some kind of common sense again people, where integrity and smart thinking and real world solutions exist.

Experience, Environment, Economy, Equity. Who has been there before and done it before and can do it for Canada again?

I say, Vote Liberal.
Led with Integrity. Stephane Dion.
Supported with smart, experienced caucus members.

Whatever you do, whichever way you think or believe... VOTE on OCTOBER 14.

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